Friday, September 10, 2010

Upcycle, Reduce, Reuse

My latest love? Upcycling. What is upcycling?! It's taking something that you would throw away, or deem "garbage" or "unusable" or even just "ugly" and turning it into something else. My favorite things to upcycle right now is sheets and (fabric) shower curtains. Not only is it reusing something that already exists, but I'm turning it into something that either I, or someone else, needs and/or wants.
I made a baby carrier for myself that I could/can/will use from the time my baby was born, through toddlerhood. I made this carrier out of a gray sheet and a green shower curtain. Both of which I bought at Goodwill since I did not have a spare shower curtain or sheet to make it with.
The gray side with a green pocket
The green side with a pocket.
I added batting to the top part of the carrier and then quilted on it to keep the batting in place. You can see the quilting on the gray side. I also made a button-hole in the sides to adjust the length of the straps.

I've also made clothing using sheets, ribbon I've had around forever, and some new fabric to mix in.
Close-up of the giraffe I appliqued
Can you tell which fabric is the sheet and which one is the bought fabric? If you can't tell, I'm not going to!

I've also made items for caring for your baby - baby towels, burp cloths, bibs... Is there an end to what I can/will make? I'm not sure. If so I haven't hit it yet!! I'm definitely loving this form of recycling. It's not just something I put in a recycle bin, and wonder what ultimately happens with it. I'm making things into something else myself - so I know exactly what's happening with it!

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