Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time flies when you're...

busy up to your eyeballs. It's that time of year again - school has started, and I'm back to having not even close to enough time on my hands. There needs to be more hours per day, and more days per week.
Xarry started 4th grade this year - insane! Means next year is 5th grade (with the grade school version of senioritis), and then after that middle school. I'm not ready for that! And now she wants to quit swim team and do cheerleading. Well a couple problems with that - it's on the days that I work late so I can't take her, it's more expensive than swimming (at least up front - over all it seems to be nearly the same price), and her daddy is not wanting her to do it. Oh, and guess who gets to be the bad guy and say it's not going to happen! ... YEP! You guessed it - me! ... yaaaaayyyyy.... .
Adi is now 6 months old. Hard to believe that just 6 months ago I was still carrying her around in my belly. She's commando crawling all over now - kind of a cross between a scootch and a crawl, and getting pretty darned fast too! And in the last few days she has pulled herself up to a stand (that I have witnessed) 3 or 4 times. She shouldn't be doing that for another 3 months at minimum!! Not that I'm not grateful she's progressing FAR BEYOND ahead of schedule - because I certainly am! But it would be nice if she would just kinda... chill? I guess is the word I'm looking for. You know, master one thing, and hang with it for even a few weeks before trying to do something that's far beyond where she should be. Her physical therapy is going great - when she is in a good mood and cooperates. It's still up in the air as to whether or not she'll need speech therapy, or any other anything. I'm happy with accepting "baby steps" of progress, and she's blowing through the baby steps and trying to do everything. Oh the courage of a 6 month old!
I've started school again. I'm taking two classes this semester - Anatomy and Physiology 2, and U.S. History to 1865. Hopefully there are two A's in my future! I've also started work again. I didn't work for the entire 3 week break between the end of my summer classes, and the start of my fall classes. It was a MUCH needed break from doing mandatory work of any kind. I tried to spend many hours with my girls, and husband, and be creative (I made two large paintings!!), and I cooked and cleaned too! Now that school is back in session my crazy schedule is just too crazy to get to do all the things I want to do. As a matter of fact I'm writing this from work. Which is fine since my job just entails me monitoring the use of 65 computers to make sure people aren't doing what they're NOT supposed to be doing on them. I typically do homework while I'm here. ... Which I'm actually going to start doing in a few minutes. I seriously cannot wait for next summer. I'll have my AA done, and will hopefully be looking forward to starting the nursing program in the fall, so I will have TONS of free time. Which is good because I have so many creative ideas swirling in my mind and I likely won't have much time to do anything about them until then. So sad. Sometimes I wish I could be a stay at home mom and not go to school or work. But I know that I would go crazy if I did it full time. I need interaction with other adults on a regular basis to stay sane. I'm hoping that once I'm "done" with school I can work part time so I can at least be a part time stay at home mom. That would be fantastic.

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