Thursday, August 5, 2010

Something good this way comes

So... a friend of mine and I are starting to work on a bunch of things for hopefully opening our own online store of handcrafted goods. We would be making/selling things like jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, earrings, anklets, chokers) using all sorts of media (wire, beads, yarn, ribbon, fabric, whatever else that looks good and is fun to use), body scrubs (using organic food grade stuff), lotions, epsom salts with essential oils. And then also baby stuff like bibs, burp cloths, changing mats, hats, embellished onsies. Then other random things that could be done with adults, or children, or babies in mind like purses/bags, washcloths, paintings, pillows, and bookmarks, and crocheted stuffed animals of varying kinds.
I'm seriously hoping this works out. I would love to be able to do creative things that help me relax and relieve stress and make some money at the same time. With school and kids and work it's going to be hard to find time to make things sometimes. Especially towards the end of the semester. But I think it would be worth it and then some. Now I need to come up with a business plan of sorts. Hopefully this all works out! It would definitely be amazing!!

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